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Full Moon

Ceremony Location: 17622 Chatsworth St. Granada Hills, CA 91344

Phone: 1-855-786-2642

Mailing Address P.O. Box 8592 Porter Ranch CA 91367

Online Zoom


Meeting ID: 867 2798 5830

Passcode: FullMoon

April - "The Pink Moon" Enjoy these Interactive Experiences Designed Just For You. Together, "We Are Saving Our Planet From The Inside." See The List of Featured Speakers and Musicians Below.

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2025 Full Moon
World Healing Ceremonies Dates

Monday January 13  -  Shamanic Intention Ceremony with Patrick Harbula  &

Deena Efferson-Williams

Tuesday February 11  -  Activating Love with Harold Payne

Thursday March 13  -  Blossoming From The Inside with Patrick Harbula &

Crystal Sloan

Monday April 14  -  Keeping It Real  - Cacao Ceremony  and Sound Bath 

with Luz Kleinberg

Monday May 12  - The Wesak Ceremony Reenactment

Tuesday June 10  - Joy with Edward Sullivan

Thursday July 10  - 

Saturday August 9  -

Saturday September 6  - Crystal Sloan

Monday Oct 6  -

Tuesday November 4  - Stacey Justis

Thursday December 4  - April Johnson


We celebrate Your Uniqueness which represents the You in Us!


Full Moon In March

Get ready to dive into something super cool – the full moon in March 2025.  So, this full moon happens on Friday March 14th and it comes with a total lunar eclipse, turning it red and making it extra special. People have loved full moons forever because they light up the sky and make us feel all kinds of things.  Full moons are known for being potent times of change and the effect is believed to be much stronger when they are accompanied by eclipses.  Combine that with Venus retrograde and we’ve got a recipe for beautiful delusions and stimulating surprises!


Symbolically, the full worm Moon represents the transition from darkness to light, mirroring our own spiritual awakening at this time. March’s full Moon serves as a reminder that we are emerging from the depths of our personal and collective shadows and stepping into the illuminating light of new possibilities and growth.

The Full Moon in March 2025 will be in Virgo and the sun sign of Pisces. Both of these signs have a strong sense of right and wrong.  This will highlight organization, healing, relationships, and balance. Full moons often bring clarity, revelations, and emotional shifts, making this a time to reassess personal and professional aspects of life.  The axis of Virgo-Pisces is all about work versus rest.  Virgo aligns with productivity, routines and responsibilities, employment, coworkers, pets and physical health.  Pisces, on the opposite end is all about spirituality, our inner worlds, mysticism, fantasy, sacrifice and mental health.


Astrology Predictions for Each Zodiac Sign

Here’s how the March 2025 Worm Moon will influence each zodiac sign:

Aries (March 21 - April 19): This full moon urges you to focus on your health and daily routines. It's time to declutter your mind and schedule. A revelation at work might bring unexpected changes, so be adaptable.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20): Your creativity and romantic life take center stage. This is an ideal time to express yourself artistically and reconnect with passions. Love relationships may experience heightened emotions or clarity.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20): Matters of home and family will be illuminated. You may feel the need to reorganize your living space or resolve past family issues. A domestic change could be on the horizon.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22): This full moon enhances communication and learning. Important news may come your way, or you may feel inspired to start a new writing or speaking project. Be mindful of how you express your thoughts.

Leo (July 23 - August 22): Your finances and self-worth come into focus. This is a great time to reassess your budget, investments, and income sources. Confidence in your skills will lead to financial gains.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22): Since this full moon could occur in your sign, expect personal transformations. You may experience a strong emotional release, pushing you toward personal growth and a renewed sense of purpose.

Libra (September 23 - October 22): A period of spiritual growth and healing is here. You may feel introspective and seek solitude. Meditation and self-care practices will be highly beneficial during this time.

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21): Your social life and friendships are highlighted. You might reconnect with old friends or re-evaluate certain relationships. Networking can bring exciting opportunities.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21): This full moon affects your career and reputation. A major professional shift may be on the horizon. Recognition for your hard work could come, or you may decide to change your career path.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19): Expansion and higher learning are the themes for you. You may feel called to explore new educational pursuits, travel, or adopt a new philosophy that broadens your perspective.

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18): Deep emotional transformations and shared finances are emphasized. This could be a time for letting go of the past, settling debts, or strengthening intimate relationships.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20): Your partnerships and relationships take center stage. Whether in love or business, clarity will emerge about where you stand. Open conversations will help strengthen important connections.

Ceremony Video Gallery

Our Mission Statement


To celebrate the spiritual unity of all life and raise consciousness in light and love through community meditation and education and to inspire and empower those who attend the World Healing Meditation Ceremonies and all of humanity with the life transforming experience of Healing, Oneness and Unity.

Our Story

The Spiritual Unity Movement was incorporated March 30, 1976 and founded by Reverend Howard Carey, a retired Methodist minister. He formed SUM to teach the "Ageless Wisdom" found in the varied spiritual scriptures handed down throughout history. For many years SUM published Pathways, a bi-monthly magazine that offered articles and techniques for spiritual transformation.


We the current Board of Directors humbly yet boldly carry on the work of service to humanity and our planetary body, Mother Earth.

We encourage people from all religious and philosophical backgrounds to link together in unified spiritual purpose. We believe that we are at a crucial time in our planetary history when it is not only possible but also essential to go beyond the belief systems that separate various spiritual paths to the heart of spiritual practice where we find unity. The wonderfully unique ideologies of different faiths and philosophies, which come from mental understanding, are part of our beautiful diversity. At the core of all the diverse traditions of the world are the common principles that come from the heart-principles of love, understanding, compassion, and spiritual service. Now more than ever we need to embrace these unifying principles-to come from our hearts to heal the divisions within our human family.

We encourage other spiritual communities to participate in global spiritual practice by taking time during their services and ceremonies to consciously bring spirit to earth while linking in thought with others globally to invoke and radiate spiritual force in whatever form is appropriate for the individual group. We have a staff of all-denominational ministers who will travel to groups and communities to offer assistance in creating interfaith ceremonies or to integrate universal ceremony within their own service structure.

Buddhist Singing Bowl

We Meditate Locally to Transform Globally.
We Are Saving Our Planet From The Inside!



Frank A Williams

Dedicated to the mission, Frank is skilled at keeping the Board focused on its purpose and mission.

Known as "Boss" wherever he goes, Frank is the owner/operator of Williams Central Services, a telecommunication company. He also represents a California firm as one of their valued go-to guys.

The Center for Spiritual Living Antelope Valley is grateful for his service as a member of their Sunday Service sound team.


Rev. Franks' passion for all things tech, has lead him into the field of drone flying and building.

He thrills at flying through the air yet, it is his grounded leadership, that has kept Spiritual Unity Movement on the move throughout this unprecedented period in time.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead

Yoga at Home
woman 2
man 2

Get Involved

You Can Make a Difference


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Debit Card

Your Donation Matters

Make A True Change

Please send your email to to get info regarding tithing and donations.

Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution going towards making Spiritual Unity Movement an even better Non-Profit Organization than it already is. We want to provide you with the correct and appropriate information pertaining to your mode of support, so don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions.

Help Us Soar

Volunteer Opportunities
or Partner with Us

This is one of the simplest ways to help out our cause.
We believe the best way for our initiatives to be successful is for the community to actively get involved.  As a volunteer you can easily contribute that which you already have, your creatively, your wonderful ideas, time, talent and anything you feel called to give or share.


Partnering with us is an easy and efficient way of contributing to the great work we do at Spiritual Unity Movement.

Large projects such as the World Water Blessing require a coordinated effort. We enjoy the process of bringing transformation to the planet. 

Get in touch with any questions about how you can Partner with Us today.

We are Saving our Planet from the Inside.


Two Men Shaking Hands

Thanks to our Partners

SUM enjoys the magic which shows up in every collaboration. 

We extend our Heart-felt appreciation to each person, group or organization which has in anyway, supported the mission of Spiritual Unity Movement through the active vehicle of Collaborative Partnerships.

May we continue to be a blessing in the World. Aho.

Oneness Media

Princeton University

Masaru Emoto

Dr. Terry Cole-Whitaker

Marianne Williamson

Center For Spiritual Living-Antelope Valley

Sepulveda Unitarian Universalist Society

The Atherius  Society

Channels of Light-A Wisdom of the Heart Church


Living Purpose Institute

Radiant Path Institute

Center for Spiritual-Living Granada Hills

Aware with Lisa Garr, KPFK Radio

Contact Spiritual Unity Movement


P.O. Box 8592 Porter Ranch, CA 91367

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Spiritual Unity Movement presents: The Spark Within. With Rickie Byars July 23rd 2021
Spiritual Unity Movement

Spiritual Unity Movement presents: The Spark Within. With Rickie Byars July 23rd 2021

Spiritual Unity Movement presents: The Spark Within. With Rickie Byars July 23rd 2021 Please Donate at: Spiritual Unity Movement presents: The Spark Within. With Rickie Byars July 23rd 2021 Rickie Byars is one of the most acclaimed and beloved singer-songwriters there is in the genre of inspirational/New Thought music. Through her three-decade career as both a solo artist and as the music director for an over 200-memberchoir for 32 years, Byars’ has created a music catalogue of hundreds of deeply soulful and heart-felt songs of spiritual renewal, uplift and empowerment that have struck a powerful chord with audiences around the globe. Her music resonates through churches throughout the world and she has performed over 100 concerts globally. Live-streamers who take part in her weekly Devotionals are uplifted through her music and her messages—always delivered with joy and laughter. She has created the first inspirational 24-hour radio station, B-Radio, which boasts thousands of listeners. Rickie has released nine albums over her illustrious career. Rickie cares deeply about the community, underserved communities and particularly the treatment of African Americans and dedicates much of her time to social activism. She established Kuumba in Motion, a non-profit educational initiative that empowers children to discover their inherent gifts and talents through exposure to nature, the arts and creative science so that they can contribute to humanity and the planet as a whole. For 23 years, Rickie has co-led Soul Sisters Today, empowering women through workshops, meditations and healing modalities. She sits on the Board of Directors of Voices4Freedom, an abolitionist organization that works to free the 70-millionmodern-day slaves around the world. This is a movement which inspires people from all religious and philosophical backgrounds to link together in unified spiritual service through the practice of prayer and meditation. Presented by: Spiritual Unity Movement (SUM) $15 suggested donation (or whatever is comfortable) We are Saving Our Planet from the Inside! Spiritual Unity Movement has been in Service to it's mission since 1976. We the current board members are grateful for the opportunity to present the Full Moon World Healing Meditation Ceremonies. Recognizing that it has been many months since we have all been able to gather together, we've decided to share few moments from our lives. President ORDM. Frank Williams Vice President Rev. Nancy Fuller Secretary Rev. Burl Bolerjack Treasurer Elizabeth Curran Ceremonial Director Rev. Deena Efferson Director of Healing Ministry Rev. Florence Riggs Volunteer Coordinator Dr. Kathleen Ayl Spiritual Message of the Moon Lyn Hopkins Wise Woman in Residence Kabbalah Bach Board Member at Large Arline Erickson Advisory Board Member: Dr. Rev. Elder. Patrick J. Harbula Spiritual Unity Movement Contact: 855-786-2642 P.O. Box 8592 Porter Ranch, CA 91367 Thank You, Namaste
VIDEO0012  SUM OM Shanti Chant
Wesak 2015 (7)
Spiritual Unity Movement presents: ROARING SPIRIT With Carlo Novoa August 22nd 2021
Spiritual Unity Movement

Spiritual Unity Movement presents: ROARING SPIRIT With Carlo Novoa August 22nd 2021

Spiritual Unity Movement presents: ROARING SPIRIT With Speaker: Carlo Novoa. Musician's Kimberly Haynes & Vito Gregoli August 22nd 2021. Please Donate at: Spiritual Unity Movement presents: ROARING SPIRIT With Speaker: Carlo Novoa. Musician's Kimberly Haynes & Vito Gregoli August 22nd 2021. Carlo Novoa is more than just a trainer. He is the person who teaches other trainers how to work with people. He brings 10+ years of passion for professional development. Carlo received his master’s degree in inspirational psychology from UTSLA. As a licensed spiritual practitioner, his life's work has been to introduce individuals to their greatest "Yet to Be". He works with teams both nationally and internationally helping them to promote growth in the teen culture, by creating deeper connections, stronger feelings of teamwork and true communication through the use of life and professional skillsets. As a motivational speaker and teacher Carlo is truly an inspiration to those around him. His ability to educate and ignite action, in an intimate class room setting or a large workshop, has brought his audiences to standing ovations. Kimberly Haynes’ passionate approach to life is reflected clearly through the music she creates. Her life’s work has included the study of sacred music from around the world, and those influences, along with her devotion to uplifting the human condition, have guided her musical craft. Her award-winning debut album, “Awaken Me,” was quickly named Album of the Year on One World Music Radio. Her follow-up album, “In Dreams,” dubbed ‘an instant master piece’ in Common Grounds magazine. Her most recent single, Narrow Bridge, won the Jury Prize in World Music at the2020 Global Peace Song Awards. Kimberly uses her music for transformative experiences in concerts, workshops, sound ceremonies, and life cycle events. Having walked through tremendous personal challenges, she dedicates her craft to supporting harmony on the planet through the medium of art and music. By his teens, Vito was already hailed as a guitar virtuoso and working in the L.A. club scene. He later studied classical music and received a Bachelors in Music. Introduced to Meditation at 13, and later Yoga, this inturn exposed him World instruments, like sitar and charango. His interests in the healing power of music led to his expansive experiments in New Age music, like "Yoga Heart Healing". Each subsequent release reflect the healing aspect of music and his desire to bring that to a greater audience. He's had the privilege of working with New Age artists as Constance Demby, Jai Uttal, Deepak Chopra, Steven Halpern and Donna De Lory. Currently Vito is bringing the "Bhagavad Gita" to the world asan album with writer Lissa Coffey. "'Song Divine' is written in verse and rhyme, the way the Bhagavad Gita was originally intended." Vito brings integrity and unique artistry to music. This is a movement which inspires people from all religious and philosophical backgrounds to link together in unified spiritual service through the practice of prayer and meditation. Presented by: Spiritual Unity Movement (SUM) $15 suggested donation (or whatever is comfortable) We are Saving Our Planet from the Inside! Spiritual Unity Movement has been in Service to it's mission since 1976. We the current board members are grateful for the opportunity to present the Full Moon World Healing Meditation Ceremonies. Recognizing that it has been many months since we have all been able to gather together, we've decided to share few moments from our lives. President ORDM. Frank Williams Vice President Rev. Nancy Fuller Secretary Rev. Burl Bolerjack Treasurer Elizabeth Curran Ceremonial Director Rev. Deena Efferson Director of Healing Ministry Rev. Florence Riggs Volunteer Coordinator Dr. Kathleen Ayl Spiritual Message of the Moon Lyn Hopkins Wise Woman in Residence Kabbalah Bach Board Member at Large Arline Erickson Advisory Board Member: Dr. Rev. Elder. Patrick J. Harbula Spiritual Unity Movement Contact: 855-786-2642 P.O. Box 8592 Porter Ranch, CA 91367 Thank You, Namaste



©2019 created by Deena Efferson-Williams for Spiritual Unity Movement

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